On the Walls: Mars Luren

 Statement from the artist:

“Hello.  My name is Mars.  I have been living in Asheville area since 2017.  I live out in the woods processing existential ennui into creative work- so go ahead and lay yours down, I’ve got that covered for you. All of the pieces showcased on the walls here were made this year. 

I have been re-exploring gouache as a medium, and I began the year by making paper out of junk mail.  The pieces painted on homemade paper are framed without a matte, to showcase the paper itself. 

·      May your interaction with these artifacts offer you an opportunity to question and gain insight into what you really value,

·      May you explore inventive ways to be closer to the objects you use and interact with.

·      May you see broader connections in our many intertwining systems at large without the hassle of nervous system overwhelm.”

You can also see Mars at Sacred Lotus Tattoo. https://www.sacredlotustattoo.com/mars-luren

On the Walls Liz Niemeyer

Artist Statement:

“The pieces here at Eclipse Salon are a collection of work I’ve completed over the last several years and hope you enjoy the variety. I love creating landscapes with cosmic qualities and equally love the complex and challenging nature of painting portraits.

My landscapes are painted from memories and moments in my life that hold emotional significance. I deeply feel the significant energies that being in nature provides us as humans. How we don’t just go out into nature, but we are nature. I try to allow these feelings to permeate into my work.

I teach intuitive painting classes and give color readings, more information on both can be found at lizniemeyer.com