Before booking online, please be aware of our salon policies:
Cancellation policy: Please call the day before your appointment if you need to reschedule or cancel. Rescheduling/cancelling/no-showing for an appointment with less than 24-hours notice will result in a charge to your credit card that is equal to the price of the reserved appointment(s).
Masking policy: Masks are not required. We will continue to provide masks to clients that would like to use them. If you are sick, please cancel your appointment, and if we are sick we will cancel your appointment. Let’s work together to keep everyone healthy. Thank you!
Color Service Details
Please read before booking color appointments online!
Reception Hours are Tuesday-Sunday 10-6
We are now officially living-wage certified! It feels so good to have such a tight-knit salon team that supports each other and our local economy!
Trying to find parking? Download The Asheville App on your Android or Apple or check out this link to view availability in downtown parking decks in real-time: